Rhiannon and Storm
52 x 58cms image size
Framed Oil
‘We’re absolutely thrilled with the portrait of Rhiannon and Storm. You have done such an amazing job.’

The portrait on the wall to show you the size.
I went and took additional photos for the portrait as the original photo is not very sharp. It was an overcast day so we ended up using the blurrier show photo in the sun for Storm . Rhiannon looked a bit glum in that photo so we used a nice photo I had taken for her face to come up with the perfect portrait!
It’s not often that you get both horse & rider looking good in the one photo so by combining photos like this we get a better portrait.

The original photo of the two – it wasn’t a very flattering photo of Rhiannon

A nicer photo I took of Rhiannon – we used this for her face in the portrait.