Sarah treasures the portrait I created of her son Harry who was killed in a bus accident.
Knowing how much his portrait had helped her family, she decided to pass the gift on, and organised a portrait as a secret gift for a friend who lost his wife and daughter in the Greta Bus tragedy.
” It absolutely blew him away as expected. It was emotional and he truly loved it.
Thought it was perfect.
He’s already found their happy place (to hang them) so they can watch over him.”
I often work from many different reference photos.
This may make the created portrait a little different from the main reference.
The portrait will still be a good likeness and capture their character.
The original photo was a full length but we cropped it to head and shoulders for the portrait.
Kyah’s face was very flat because of the makeup . I used many additional photos to help with her face structure.
Extra photos to help me create Nadine’s portrait.