‘Isaak & Snuff were a hit, Kristy said that was definitely her favourite gift.
They are already hanging up & taking pride of place in her room.’

The framed portrait
‘I am the lucky recipient of this gift, what can say I absolutely love it you captured them both perfectly.’
I found this an interesting portrait to create..
Isaak has been retired. He is a riding pony who was very successful – even in the Sydney Royal. Snuff is a much loved ‘ child” for Janina’s daughter and her partner
.Janina knew they both meant a lot to Kristy and her partner so she wanted me to create a portrait with both of them in together.
I took hundreds of photos .Originally Janina had suggested we have Snuff ( the cat) sitting on a post near Isaak.. It wasn’t to be! Bad enough trying to control one animal forget about 2 !
Eventually Isaak was put in the stable and Janina held Snuff on her shoulder at the right height and I took heaps of photos.
We then picked the two photos that most likely would go together and I photo shopped them to come up with the concept. Luckily something caught their attention so they were both looking the same way..I think I mirror reversed the photo to come up with the best concept.
It was then up to me to make it look like they had been caught sitting naturally together in the portrait! I think they came up well.. So cute!