‘I just want to say thanks so much for keeping Chelsea’s memory alive within your beautiful rendition of her.
You’ve absolutely captured her to perfection and it will be a wonderful keepsake.
All your painstaking work and masterstrokes are very much appreciated!’
Kim contacted me August last year about having a memorial portrait created of Chelsea.
‘CHELSEA was a 14 year old Golden Lab who we lost about a month ago .Beautiful temperament and the loyal friend to each family member.Never grew up really, kept thinking she was still a puppy! ‘ Kim
The chosen photo was overexposed and not very sharp but was a typical Chelsea pose –
‘ Chelsea always had a habit from a puppy of laying her head on something; resting it on a pillow or foot/shoe; or over the end of her bed.So that pic in the garden bed was somewhere she loved to lie because she could rest her chin over the edge.’
I used other photos to help me create the portrait and Kim allowed me to change the colour of the wall a little to make her stand out more. Chelsea had more colour on her than the photo shows as it was washed out.